
Cinzia Catania

Cinzia Catania is a Swiss jazz vocalist, composer, and educator, celebrated for her vibrant performances and innovative compositions. Growing up in an artistic family, she discovered her passion for jazz early and studied under renowned mentors like Dena DeRose and Ed Partyka, earning degrees in jazz and composition.

With over 1,000 concerts across Europe, Asia, and America, Cinzia has performed at prestigious festivals like Da Jazz St. Moritz and Blue Balls Lucerne, and with top ensembles such as the Swiss Jazz Orchestra. She has released three acclaimed albums, blending technical skill with emotional depth.

In 2017, she won the Jazz Comp Graz competition, and in 2024, she was selected to compose for the Subway Jazz Orchestra in Cologne. Cinzia continues to push the boundaries of jazz, making her a prominent figure in the international jazz scene.


Singer and composer, Cinzia Catania, half Swiss – half Sicilian, grew up in Switzerland in a very artistic environment.  She started her musical education playing the classical flute at a young age but always loved to sing whenever she had the opportunity.

After participating in the project «Jazzaar», Cinzia discovered her love of Jazz and began taking vocal lessons while she continued to play her flute. She found herself singing and playing in a Jazz orchestra, various ensembles, projects and eventually formed her own band, which performed around Switzerland.

After receiving her matura diploma with an emphasis in the arts, the dream of becoming a professional singer had intensified; she then decided to move to the Netherlands where she studied Jazz voice for one year with many inspiring educators such as Mark GrossAlex SipiaginDon Braden and Dena De Rose just to mention a few. Cinzia then followed her teacher and mentor, the American jazz vocalist and pianist Dena De Rose, to Austria where she continued her studies in the Jazz institute at the University for Music and Performing Arts in Graz. Among other teachers, she studied with Mary Frances Lubahn, Annette Giesriegl, Ed PartykaEd Neumeister and Stjepko Gut. After receiving her Bachelor diploma (summa cum laude), she moved back to Switzerland to earn her Masters Degree in Music Pedagogy at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, which she completed 2016. She then earned a second Masters Degree in  Composition (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts) in 2018.

The many styles that Jazz embodies fascinate her and she not only incorporates that into her song writing, but is also active in many different projects exploring music in all its facets.

Her sound is crystalline, yet warm and smooth; she is feathery and rhythmical in her Bossa Nova and strong and passionate when singing in Sicilian.

She has been performing all around Europe and also USA and Lebanon.


Come To Light (2016, Unit Records)

Anatomy Of Melancholy (2018, QFTF)

Swim It Away (2023)


Winner of the Jazz Comp Graz 2017 

Generations Frauenfeld 2028

European Jazz Composers Köln 2024


Cinzia Catania Collective

“Cinzia Catania’s voice is unique—crystal clear yet warm and smooth. Her music captivates; it’s impossible not to listen. She boldly draws from various genres, paired with catchy lyrics and the right attitude. Her songs stick with you. Of course, everyone in jazz is combining styles, but not with this voice, this drive, confidence, sound, and such a band! Cinzia clearly indicates where she wants to position herself and her music. With a lot of courage to take risks, this young singer is making her mark, doing many things differently and simply better than many of her peers.” (Label QFTF)

The music of Swiss singer and composer Cinzia Catania is distinctive and recognizable. Together with her band, which she founded in early 2015, she works to create a connection between jazz and modern musical languages. The four musicians met at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences, where they all completed part of their studies. They explore the possibilities of modern jazz, incorporating various musical styles into their compositions. As a result, the music is colorful, spicy, cross-genre, and contemporary. Elements from jazz, pop, and Sicilian folk music are used, with improvisation playing a central role along with the use of loops. Odd time signatures dance around catchy and touching melodies, creating an exciting and unmistakable blend where different musical elements come together to form a new language.

The great American composer and arranger Maria Schneider praised Cinzia Catania exuberantly: “You have found your own language with your compositions and your own voice with your singing.”

“The 30-year-old Swiss composer and singer demonstrates remarkable individuality, as evidenced by her new album ‘Anatomy Of Melancholy.'”

“From Queen to Royalty: Swiss jazz musician Cinzia Catania (30) is taking off.”

Cinzia Catania (Vocals)
Lukas V. Gernet (Piano, Rhodes)
Rafael Jerjen (Double Bass)
Sämi Büttiker (Drums)

“Internationally, the 30-year-old Cinzia Catania, who lives in Zurich, drew attention to herself a year ago when she won first prize and the audience award at the ‘Jazz Comp Graz’ composition competition. The praise from Maria Schneider carries equal weight, as the multiple Grammy-winning Maria Schneider has been a standard of excellence in her field for years. She is the queen of large orchestral music, and her endorsement elevates the Swiss jazz musician.” (AZ Dec 2018)

Cinzia Catania (Vocals, Composition)


Electronic project with Nici Struchen

Style: Elements of Deep House, Techno, and Electropop

Cinzia Catania (Vocals & Keys)
Nici Struchen (Drums & FX)
Claudio Berger (Bass & FX)

The duo, consisting of Montenegrin guitarist Pippo Corvino and Swiss singer and composer Cinzia Catania, met in 2010 at the University of Arts in Graz, where both completed their bachelor’s degree at the Jazz Institute.

In the first weeks of their studies, they began playing together and quickly realized they shared the same musical language. The desire for collaboration soon followed, leading to many rehearsals, musical experiments, and concerts.

The duo has performed their compositions and arrangements at the most significant festivals and jazz clubs in Graz and the surrounding area.

Their first album, Come To Light, was released under the Unit Records label in January 2016.

Their music is distinctive and innovative, working on a fusion of jazz and modern musical languages. They incorporate elements from jazz, pop, Balkan folk music, and electronic music. The use of loops weaves throughout the album, while odd time signatures dance around catchy and touching melodies. This creates an exciting and unique blend where different cultures merge.

Lineup Cinzia Catania (Vocals, Composition)
Pippo Corvino (Guitar, Composition)

Discography Come To Light (Unit Records, 2016)


In the duo Cinzia Catania & Daniel Messina, Cinzia Catania expresses another passion of hers: Brazilian music. She sings it with a light, warm, velvety tone and incredible rhythmic precision.

Cinzia Catania (Vocals)
Daniel Messina (Guitar, Vocals)
Alberto Garcia Navarro (Percussion)


Cinzia Catania (Vocals)
Toni Amadeus Bechtold (Tenor Sax)
Nidal Abou Samra (Tenor Sax)
Ziad El Ahmadieh (Oud)
David Heizmann (Guitar)
Mario Ineichen (Bass)
Florian Hoesl (Drums)


The repertoire of Manziluna, the four-member band from Sicily, consists of original compositions influenced by Sicilian music, which also incorporates many Arabic elements.

This traditional folk music is blended with jazz, classical music, rock, and electronic elements. The lyrics are in Sicilian or English, but in most pieces, the voice is used instrumentally.

Cinzia Catania accompanied the band during the years 2013 and 2014.

Fabrizio Brusca (Guitar)
Cinzia Catania (Vocals)
Calogero Genco (Alto and Soprano Saxophone)
Carmelo Graceffa (Drums)
Leonardo Grimaudo (Guitar)

L’intrigo (Cantina Records, 2014)

Cinzia Catania

With different possible formations.

The songs tell stories from life; beautiful furniture, anger attacks, bacon, witches or weird superiors… and to do that the band help themselves pretty unabashedly with whatever style it needs. 
The name “DRUCKMITTEL” (Pressure-Device) is a leftover from a time when the bandleader Florian Hoesl thought it would help the commercial success to copy the Jazz-Punk scene from Berlin around 2010. Here bands had to be called “Johnny La Marama”, “Der Rote Bereich” or “Erdmann 3000”. 

Times change, bands change and copying has helped only to duplicate so far. What was, is and will be, are strong melodies, extended solos and the sound, which became more and more important throughout the years: full and open with extreme dynamics. This band plays at the limits and will explode in the right moments. Virtuosity is an attribute, not a necessity. 

The sometimes rather direct, vivid and sarcastic announcements will give the audience pictorial and partly dubious manuals of how to take the music: with humor and impartiality. 

Due to Hoesl’s musical idols from his early youth like Queen or Frank Zappa it is no surprise that at some point vocals would be part of the band. The singer Cinza Catania has not the typical role of the front woman though, but is often used as an instrument and therefore has accompanying function as well. 

Also the guitar player’s mostly self-made effects add to the characteristic sound of the band. With long-time member Toni Bechtold on the saxophone, David Heizmann on guitar, Mario Ineichen on bass and Cinzia Catania, Hoesl has once again gathered a group that is “willing  to join the circus”.

Spielt mit ansteckender Leidenschaft, grosser Virtuosität und viel Gefühl Welt-Musik, die einlädt zum Zuhören, Tanzen und Geniessen. 

Die Musiker:Innen begeistern mit berührendem Gesang, interessanten Arrangements, virtuosen Solos und mitreissenden Rhythmen das Publikum.

Azul empfiehlt sich für ihren privaten Anlass, Konzerte auf Kleinbühnen und Openairs.



February 2025

À Mad Cat, Aarau

June and July 2024

15.06.  KiFF Aarau, Album Release mit Blaufinger

21.06.  Bio-Marché Zofingen, mit Azul

28.06.  Wagnermuseum Luzern mit Druckmittel

03.07.  Hidén Harlekin Zug mit Lukas Gernet

05.07  Wagnermuseum Luzern mit Druckmittel


August and September 2024

08.-16.08.  Tour im Libanon, mit Lucerne Beirut Connection

23.08.  Wagnermuseum Luzern mit Druckmittel

24.08.  Musig i de Altstadt Aarau, mit Blaufinger

30.08.  Wagnermuseum Luzern mit Druckmittel

06.09.  First Friday Biel, Place du Bourg

12.09.  UnvermeidBAR Baden

13.09.  Waxy Bar (Zukunft) Zürich

14.09.  KiFF Aarau

18.09. Roxy (Klang Kosmos) Winterthur


Ausblick 2024

24.10. Vela Basel, 19:00

02.11.  Butcher Street Pub Aarau

02.11. Butcher Street Pub Aarau, 21:00

22.11. Madeleine Luzern, 21:00

29.11. Madeleine Luzern, 21:00

12.12. Niente Jazz Zug, 20:00

13.12. Madeleine Luzern, 21:00

31.12. Hotel Restaurant Hammer Eigenthal (Silvester) 18:00



10.01. Madeleine Luzern, 21:00

14.01. À Widder Bar, Zürich, 20:00

24.01. À Madelaine, Luzern, 21:00

31.01. – 10.02. Album Release Tour (CH)  Lucerne Beirut Connection


Tour Lucerne Beirut Connection:

05.02. À Mad Cat, Aarau, 20:00

06.02. À Bar 59, Luzern, 20:00

07.02. À Reformierte Kirche, Sursee, 19:30

08.02. À Alhambra, Genf, 20:00

09.02. À Sudhaus, Basel, 16:30

25.02. Widder Bar, Zürich, 20:00

25.03. Widder Bar, Zürich, 20:00

29.04. Widder Bar, Zürich, 20:00

27.05. Widder Bar, Zürich, 20:00


  • Festival Da Jazz St. Moritz

  • Langnau Jazz Nights (BKJO)

  • Moods Zurich (BKJO)

  • Moods Zurich with the Zurich Jazz Orchestra

  • Künstlerhaus Boswil

  • Alpentöne Festival Altdorf (with Peter Schärli)

  • Casino Frauenfeld Generations 2018

  • Bierhübeli Bern with the Swiss Jazz Orchestra

  • KiFF Aarau Saal

  • KiFF Aarau Season Opening Jazzclub Aarau

  • Jazzclub Aarau Alte Reithalle

  • Jazzclub Sarnen

  • Jazz Nights Zug

  • Jazz in Baden

  • Musig i de Altstadt Aarau

  • Alte Reithalle Aarau

  • Theater Tuchlaube Aarau

  • Isebähnli Baden

  • Wagnermuseum Lucerne

  • Lez Faux Nez Lausanne

  • Chrutwäje Aarau

  • Musik Haag Weinfelden BKJO

  • Barfussbar Zurich

  • Schwanbar Aarau

  • PianoIn Bar Aarau

  • Odeon Brugg

  • Festival Guggisberg (Azul)

  • Artune Art Gallery Frick

  • Rapperswil Art Gallery

  • Bühne Fasson Lachen

  • Hotel Hauser St. Moritz

  • Musikcontainer Uster UNESCO Jazz-Day, DKSJ Project

  • Mehrspur Zurich, DKSJ Project

  • Chorus Lausanne, DKSJ Project

  • Schloss Köniz Bern, DKSJ Project

  • Bird’s Eye Basel, DKSJ

  • Blue Balls Festival, Seebühne

  • Esse Musicbar Winterthur

  • Commihalle Zurich

  • Mahogany Hall Bern

  • Neubad Lucerne – New Music Days

  • Schloss Lenzburg “Ganz Ohr” Ladies First, Interview

  • Ref. Church Wallisellen

  • Liechtensteiniade, Poolbar-Festival Feldkirch

  • Theatertage Lenzburg

  • “Musig ide Altstadt” Aarau

  • Barfussbar Zurich

  • Casino Bad Ragaz

  • Seedammplaza Pfäffikon

  • Schür Lucerne as part of IMS 2019

  • Eichhof Lucerne

  • Sound & Sandwich Bern

  • Bio-Marché Zofingen

  • Kornhaus Aarwangen

  • Moudi-Bar Zurich

  • Stadtfest Brugg

  • Mittagsmusik at Gleis 1 Brugg

  • Baronessa Lenzburg

  • Leopold Lenzburg

  • Krone Aarau

  • Waldmeier Aarau

  • El Barrio Lucerne

  • Milchhüsli Cafe Basel

  • Jazzkantine Lucerne

  • Hotel Europe Lucerne

  • Hotel Schweizerhof Lucerne

  • Metzgerhalle Lucerne

  • Jenseits im Viadukt Zurich

  • ONO Bern

  • Bärechäller Aarburg

  • Restaurant Bären Birrwil

  • Bärenmatte Suhr, conductor IBA Choir

  • Isegass Bar Lenzburg

  • KUK Aarau, with Jazzaar

  • Art&Cigar Aarau & Lenzburg

  • Pandabar Basel

  • Nientebar Zug

  • Gewürzmühle Zug (Niente Jazz)

  • Variobar Olten

  • Hotel Nomad Basel

  • Dorfgaden Altendorf SZ

  • Gaskessel Bern

  • Weinhof Lucerne

  • Biberburg Hirschthal

  • Inmusic Pianolounge Aarau

  • Takatuka Däniken

  • Kunstevent Maurer AG Buchs

  • Kinobar Leuzinger Rapperswil-Jona

  • Lorzensaal Cham ZG

  • Alte Fabrik Rapperswil

  • Jazzmusik in Sarnen (Elliott’s Cafe Bar Lungern)

  • Melody Festival Aarau

  • Bar im Stall Aarau

  • Mutterschiff Openair

  • Sender Zurich

  • Burghalde Lenzburg

  • Maxim Theater Zurich

  • Lichterfest Lenzburg

  • ArtCigar Seon

  • FHNW Brugg/Windisch

  • 3G A7, Rombach

  • Kleine Freiheit Zurich

  • Buvette Lucerne

  • Hotel Hauser St. Moritz

  • Sächsi Stubenkonzerte Aarau

  • Soundfarm Studios Kriens

  • Jazzclub Oberengstringen

  • Flössi Aarau

  • Hüttentanz miniFestival

  • Liz&Chrege Aarau

  • Reformed Church Community House Baden

  • Landi Vinelz

  • Gleis 21 Dietikon ZH

  • Reformed Church Engelberg

  • Hotel Hammer Eigental

  • Bettstattbar Lucerne

  • Mauz Music-Club Einsiedeln

  • Kongresshaus Zurich

  • Muhen Multipurpose Hall

  • Zulauf Schinznach Dorf

  • Zumikon Community Hall Klassik Nuevo Festival Zürichsee

  • Zoo Basel

  • Bank Leerau Schöftland

  • Sousol Lucerne

  • AHA Aarau

  • Gewerbehalle Lucerne

  • Church Community Küsnacht

  • Bar 58 Lucerne

  • Hidén Harlekin Zug

  • Kreuz Aarau

  • Restaurant Vela Basel

  • Alte Reithalle Aarau with the Big Band Aarau


  • Gran Canaria, Alfredo Kraus Auditorium Las Palmas, with the Perinké Big Band


  • Salon Beyrouth, Beirut

  • Metro al Madina, Beirut

  • Sharqy foundation, Saida

  • Onomatopeia, Beirut

  • Now, Beirut

  • The Woodfactory, Baabdat

  • Faris & Lucia Guest House, Byblos

  • Artist House, Hammana

  • Iris Domain, Bhamdoun


  • Sargfabrik Vienna

  • Stockwerk Jazz Club Graz

  • Royal Garden Jazz Club Graz

  • Altes Kino Landeck (Tyrol)

  • Café Traxlmayr Linz

  • Kultur am Land Bach Tyrol

  • Wist Café Moxx Graz

  • KUG Redoute

  • Orpheum Extra Graz

  • Jazzwerkstatt 2012

  • Generalihof 2013

  • Graz Jazz Night 2014

  • Theatercafé Graz

  • Wist Graz, with Julia Maier’s New Shore Orchestra


  • Festival of Contemporary Music 2014, Palermo IT

  • Semi-Final European Jazz Contest Rome 2012, Cinzia Catania 5tet


  • Seven Black Spots Tour in Bucharest, Cinzia Catania Band (Clubul Taranului etc.)


  • Zomer Jazz Fiets Tour Groningen 2014, with Manziluna

  • Noorderzon, with Manziluna

  • Atelier Il Sole in Cantina, Cinzia Catania Band

  • Café Peter Pan, Cinzia Catania Band


  • HR-BigBand Frankfurt, Jazzfest of the HfMDK, Grand Hall Frankfurt

  • Philipps-University Marburg, HR-Big Band feat. Joseph Bowie

  • Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, HR-Big Band feat. Joseph Bowie

  • Schlosskeller Emmendingen BKJO

  • Club Subway Cologne (Germany) with the Subway Jazz Orchestra


  • Prulcek Ljubljana


©2024 Cinzia Catania. Mila Art Agency All Rights Reserved.
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